It is easy to learn.
All the controls are in a
single window.
You can draw the lines in the width they will appear on a papper.
The width is not in meters of world coordinates, as (almost all) DXF-based CAD systems do.
A full reference system.
For drawing or composition purposes, you can reference another file.
You can adjust the reference to any position using transformation.
Everything is controlled by this one window. Nothing will jump out at you from anywhere.
Fence enables you to change proportions of image in single step.
The software uses proprietary format of storage. It has no exporting capabilities for now. So if yo want to draw something
without the need of cooperation or other need of data interchange, so you are ok. Othervise you cannot use this software for now.
On other side the data format is well readable text based storage.
The only supported form of output is image file. Image file can be printed on papper.
The dialogs are composed of the folowing entities:
The stage is advanced betawersion, very near to release.
Mostly only appearance changes will be performed.
Examples of possible changes, that can be done:
Plain html dialog can be replaced with better looking interface. Functionality is expected the same.
Symbol names can be replaced width their images.
The basic content of dialogs and functionality are stable now.